Release Process


  1. Update gha-cache-key.txt: pip-compile --extra dev --generate-hashes -o gha-cache-key.txt --resolver=backtracking


  1. Ensure tickets assigned to Milestones are up to date

  2. Update

  3. Close milestone

  4. Increment version number in pyproject.toml

  5. git commit && git push

  6. Tag the release with the tag annotation containing the release information, python bin/

  7. Create Github Release

  8. Publish release announcements to GitHub Discussions

Release Schedule

Rope has a release schedule once a month, usually sometime close to the 15th of each month. However, this schedule is not a guaranteed date, if there is a particularly urgent change or if there’s not enough pull requests for the month, there may be additional releases or the release window may be skipped.